Monday, December 6, 2010

The Rut

We have all had those episodes or long periods of time we have felt we were stuck in a rut. Some ruts seem to be not so long lived and some seem to very long lived. Well, friends in my observation of the ruts of life I have found there are irritating, life threatening, boredom, psychotic, dramatic, stupidity, self-inflicted, discouraging, tormenting, crazy, and so on. I could go on and on trying to put a general cliche to the ideal of a rut, but let's face it we can't. I really want to share my experiences of my personal ruts that I have found not only to be bad ruts but good ones as well. I know, I know the previous sentence sounds like an oxymoron. However, I feel that I personally have been from one rut to the next. I would like some advice and love to hear about your ruts of life. Reaching out for encouragement I believe is a choice that is up to self so, here I am trying to entertain the idea of encouraging myself. I would love to hear your thoughts and stories...


  1. Ok, so here it is you know those songs you play again and a again wether they are happy or sad --- well, thats where I am deep in those repeated songs. I feel the more I work harder to reach the sucess I am reaching so high for the further away I achieve. I keep having this thought run through my mind that repeats I just want to go home but I am not sure what it means or where home is. Here is partial rut- I am not working in the field I so desperately wanted to work in. I am so exhausted I dont exercise,eat, or do the things I love to do. For, example I love to ice skate, read, paint, write, eat exotic health food, and travel. Some of that takes money and time. I am not sure that where I live is the place that really fits me. I am not sure sometimes that this is the place I was ment to reside at. I love my family and friends but they are allways in my heart no matter where I go--- they will always be my home. I feel like I constantly have to fix everything physically and emotionally. I always have to pull myself together. I long for that sweet somber touch that tells me everything will be ok. I am constantly waiting for that breath of non interuption. Waiting on the non-guilt of someones conversation that tells me that I don't have to do something for someone RIGHT THIS MINUTE! Complaints so many from so many that I loose myself and forget the happy girl I once was. However, in all the rush while trying to fit that pedicure and hair cut ...oh and the bubble bath in along with working, kids, and craziness that happens on a daily basis I find myself lonely wanting that special touch and beautiful conversation. Overwhelmed yet? I know its life but geese I am a thirty four year old that sticks to my rut. I try to rev up out of it and can't seem to reach the little goals I see above my head. I keep trying and not giving up. As I am writing you my thoughts My oldest child (my daughter) breaks in the room and says I need you mom I am sick then she shuts the door saying, "Mom, my head feels funny." Yes, my head feels funny too that is exactly why I am writing you my friends...LOL. Don't get me wrong I sometimes love these moments of chaos. I need that soft touch of words today....oh wait it would be nice to have them more than just today. It is proven that a touch can help a soft touch of words is just what the doctor ordered... LOL.


    Check out the above link! I thought of you instantly and your rut conversation! I think you will find this helpful! Sending big Cyber Hugs your way!

  3. This is to everyone in a rut new vocabulary word: adventure! sponsored by My Mom! LOL

  4. To my dear friend Plant seeds, I love the first paragraph "Press On" which has been with me since the 6th grade my teacher Mr. Eckels loved that saying. I learned so much from him that year. He was vet and the best teacher ever! I loved that web site....Thank you.... it brought me back to a much younger time of my life that I am so greatful to unwrap this holiday season ----Thank you Plant Seeds!

  5. Ramblon Brookelynn rut is in everybody's life. I am in one myself. Just figure out what you want to do and turn the corner.

  6. Dear Scout_eighty,

    I believe everyone has a rut or two or three.
    Silly Scout did you pay any attention to the writing that I posted that this was a place for advice or to share a story or to simply make an attempt to help yourself. Sometimes it feels good to put your so called rambles out there--- however, dear scout maybe your rut is you have no compasion and are very lonely. Sometimes I feel we should really try to really listen because there just might be something in it for self as well---not always but its nice to lend a hand dear scout. My storm or my rut may not be the same as the one your in but I am willing to listen and lend a hand. My dearest scount I hope the corner you chose wont be one where people tell you to rambleon or tell you to turn the corner easier said then done. How inspired the world would be with those words figure out and turn. Just think about it my LONELY SCOUT--- here if you really want to talk.
